Oral medications require an exam with our vet once a year.
Heartworm Preventions require a blood test once a year.
Iverhart Plus 6 pack
1-25lbs $25
26-50lbs $30
51-100lbs $35
Simparica chewable flea & tick pill!
3 pks $45,
6 pk $90
Simparica Trio... Heartworm, Flea & Tick Prevention
6pks $150
Trifexis 6 packs $115
Heartgard Plus 12pk
Nexgard flea & tick prevention
6 packs $115
Revolution plus for Cats
6pk $110
Cheristin for Cats 3pks $35, 6pks $70
Credillio Pill for Cats
3pks $45 or 6 pks $85
Dogs should start Heartworm prevention
as early as 8 weeks old
Your first Heartworm test should be at
7 months and then once a year.
Wellness Visit $20
Schedule your appointment Today!
New Services...Diagnostics for
$10 Eye Stain to check Scratches or Injury to the eyes,
$10 Ear Cytology for Ear Infections, $10 Ear Flush
$10 Skin Scrape, $10 Skin Cytology
$20 In house Urinalysis
Medications are extra.
Junior Bloodwork $50 includes:
Complete Blood Cell Count
Internal Organ Function Screen
Senior Bloodwork $100 includes:
Complete Blood Cell Count
Comprehensive Organ Function Screen
Thyroid Testing
4403 62nd Ave Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Did you know that all Puppies, Kittens & Rescues
should get 2 doses of Hook/Round Dewormer 2 weeks apart...The first will kill the adult worms & the second will get the eggs that will hatch, otherwise it will start all over again. Generally they are microscopic so you don't see them, but they are there and they are contagious to people & pets!
TapeWorms are the ones you usually see. They are not contagious and they get them from ingesting a flea. Make sure you have a good flea prevention to avoid getting them.
Heartworms are spread from mosquitoes, they start in the blood stream and travel to the heart & lungs and can kill your pet. Make sure you are on heartworm prevention year round.
Living in Florida is paradise for us, but is a challenge for your pets for fleas & mosquitoes.
Prevention is Essential to Protect your pets from Fleas, Heartworm, Hook/Round & Tape Worms.
Vaccine and Wellness Clinic Days...
February 28th
March 1st, 3rd 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, 28th, 29th, 31st
Please know what you want before you call this will expedite your call back, we take over 100 calls a day.
New & Existing Clients...
Check out the website to see what you need,
Let us know...
what package you would like
Call us for an appointment:
The Vet is in 9am- 2:30pm
We have extended hours 2-4:00pm to pick up product, do heartworm tests, Bordetella vaccines, Nail trims
Pets with Itchy Skin
Probiotics to boost their immune system & Aloe & Oatmeal Shampoo to soothe their skin.
Prevent Painful
Ear Infections with Epiotic Advanced Ear Cleaner for $16.
Dogs with hairy ears or ears that lay down are prone to ear infections, because the air doesn't get in there, and moitsure & wax builds up!
Try our New Tear Stain Supplements! Helps unsightly tear stains for Beautiful, Healthy eyes!
Tear stain Soft Chews $13
Try All natural Calming Chews For Pets that need extra help with Separation Anxiety, Thunderstorms & Fireworks!
$18 for small to med
$25 for Med to Large pets