Life is Great... T-Shirts
$15 each
more designs available at the clinic!
They make Great Gifts
for Everyone!
SPOT 4403 62nd Ave Pinellas Park, FL 33781 727-329-8657
Itchy skin
Jan thru April pets are itching because of the oak tree pollen try these products to prevent the itch.
Aloe/Oatmeal shampoo to soothe their skin $10 Probiotics to boost their immune system
$18 for a 30 day supply
Omegaderm Omega 3 supplement $20
Ketochlor medicated shampoo $20
Prevent Painful Ear Infections with EasOtic Cleaner for $16.
Dogs with hairy ears or ears that lay down are prone to ear infections, because the air doesn't get in there, and moisture builds up!
Ear Cytology $10
Ear Flush $10
Antibiotics for Ear Infections $25
Tear Stain Supplements! Helps unsightly tear stains for Beautiful, Healthy eyes!
Tear stain Soft Chews $13
Tear stain Liquid $6
3 Great Products That Clean Your Dogs Teeth & Freshen their Breath Too!
Oravet Chews, VeggieDent Fresh, Aquadent water additive
Pets with Separation Anxiety, Fear of Fireworks, Thunderstorms...
Extra Calming Chews
Small to med $18
Med to Large $25
Vaccine and Wellness Clinic Days...
December 30th
January 2nd,4th,6th,8th,9th,10th,
Please, know what you want before you call, this will expedite your call back, we take over 100 calls a day.
New & Existing Clients...
Check out the website to see what you need, Let us know...
your full name_____, Pets name _____ Phone _____
Cat or Dog
what package would you like? ________
Call us for an appointment:
The Vet is in 9am- 2:30pm
We have extended hours 2-4:00pm to pick up product, do heartworm tests, Bordetella vaccines, Nail trims etc if you don't need to see the vet.
Check out our Ala Carte prices, Products & Specials below
Puppy & Kitten (Up to 3 months old) Packages $35 includes:
Exam, Distemper Combo Vaccine and 2 Hook/Round Dewormers!
K-9 Vaccine Package $65 includes:
Exam, Rabies, Distemper/Parvo & Bordetella
Cat Prescreen Package $50
includes: Exam, Rabies, Distemper Combo vaccine and 2 Hook/Round Dewormers!
K-9 Basic Package $65
Exam, Rabies, Distemper/Parvo & Heartworm Test
K9 Deluxe Package $95
includes: Exam, Rabies, Distemper/Parvo, Bordetella, Fecal & Heartworm test.
Cat Rescue Package $95
Exam, Rabies, Distemper, 2 Hook/Round Dewormers, Fecal, Felv/FIV test & Ear Mite check, bring in poop sample
Ala Carte Dogs
Routine Exam $10
Rabies $20
Distemper/Parvo $20
Bordetella $25
Heartworm Test $25
Fecal $15
2 hook/round dewormers $15
Nail Trim $10
Ear Flush $10
Wellness Visit $20
Urinalysis $20
Jr Bloodwork $50
Sr Bloodwork $100
Cytology $10
Skin Scrape $10
Eye Stain $10
Ala Carte Cats
Routine Exam $10
Rabies $20
Distemper $20
Felv/FIV test $30
Fecal $15
2 Hook/Round Dewormers $10
Ear Mite check $5
Ear Mite treatment $25
Nail Trim $10
Wellness visit $20
Urinalysis $20
Jr Bloodwork $50
Sr Bloodwork $100
Cytology $10
Skin Scrape $10
Eye Stain $10
Dog Spa for dogs under 30lbs $35
Over 30lbs $50
Nail Trim , Ear Flush and Dog Wash
Call to set up your appointment
Oral medications require an exam with our vet once a year.
Heartworm Preventions require a blood test once a year.
Iverhart Plus 6 packs
1-25lbs $25
26-50lbs $30
51-100lbs $35
Simparica chewable flea & tick pill!
3 pks $45,
6 pk $90
Simparica Trio... Heartworm, Flea & Tick Prevention
6pks $145
Trifexis 6 packs $115
Heartgard Plus 12pk
1-25lbs $70
26-50lbs $80
51-100lbs $90
Nexgard flea & tick prevention
6 packs $115
Revolution plus for Cats
6pk $110
Cheristin for Cats 3pks $35, 6pks $70
Centragard Tape Dewormer for Cats $15 each
Credillio Pill for Cats
3pks $45 or 6 pks $85
K9 Adult Package $50
includes: Exam, Rabies, Heartworm test